May 23 - 24, 2024
GAAR - 1635 University Blvd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
3 packages are included in the book per registrant.
Please read through the terms then click on the button to accept terms and upload packages.
Deadline to submit packages is Tuesday, May 21, 2024
By continuing, and/or uploading packages into the NMCE package administration system, the submitting party affirms, understands, and consents to the following:
S/he is real estate licensed,
Her/His real estate license is active.
S/he will remain compliant with all rules, regulations, and statutes that govern the actions and conduct of her/his real estate license.
S/he, as submitting party, has obtained the approval and consent of the property owner prior to:
(1) uploading and/or sharing any property package information
(2) marketing the property at NMCE meetings, and/or
(3) uploading the property offering to the NMCE website where its information is clearly visible by its viewers, some of whom may be visitors who are not real estate licensees.
The submitting party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless NMCE against any and all claims regarding the property, its information, data, representations, and back up that are inputted and/or uploaded.
To input and upload packages, you must either:
Hold ownership interest in the property or offering being uploaded onto the NMCE website or,
Have an active listing/marketing agreement that demonstrates the property owner(s) consent for the input and display of the subject property on this website, display of the property details in NMCE meeting material, and/or presentation and marketing of the offering(s) at NMCE marketing meetings.
It is the Real Estate licensee’s responsibility to determine and comply with all regulations that govern real estate license law & practice, together with ensuring compliance to all legal statutes and regulations pertaining to and associated with marketing and presenting out-of-state property (from the state in which you hold your real estate license).
Licensee warrants that she/he will ensure that all necessary listing agreements (or other legal marketing or consulting agreements where such alternative agreements are legally allowable) are in place and compliant to real estate license law. Failure to do so could result in noncollectable fees, other penalties and a state, individual, or Real Estate license compliance agency asserting a claim for unlicensed or unlawful brokerage practices.