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New Members Welcome!

We are always looking to expand the membership of NMCE. More members means a broader range of benefits, resources, and opportunities. This enhances the value of membership for all members so if you are interested in joining, please complete the application below and join today.

Membership Benefits


At the New Mexico Council of Exchangors, we are committed to providing a solution-focused environment to explore all possible options for selling, exchanging or trading properties. Our meetings provide a unique opportunity to bring problem properties to the table, in the hope of finding a creative and mutually beneficial solution for our clients. As a member of NMCE, you have the opportunity to market your client's properties to other member agents locally at the weekly NMCE meetings and nationally at the quarterly National Council of Exchangors meetings.

The New Mexico Council of Exchangors hosts weekly meetings every Thursday at 8:30 AM

GAAR - 1635 University Blvd., NE   Albuquerque NM 87102

Access to Hundreds of Properties

Our members have access to a wide range of exchange packages, both at a local level and through our National Council of Exchangors.

Networking & Support

Our members are real estate professionals that work together to find unique solutions for selling or acquiring properties for their clients. Our extensive industry knowledge and wide network enable us to offer creative solutions and connect you with the right people. New NMCE members have access to mentors who are also current board members. Their role is to guide you through the initial stages, ensuring you're comfortable, well-prepared, and productive during the meetings. Their experience will be invaluable in helping you get the most out of the NMCE meetings.

Membership Fee

With just one deal, you can easily cover the cost of your annual membership fee, making it a highly cost-effective investment. The annual fee is $180 + $5 Square fee.

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Creative Real Estate Marketing & Exchanging


Thank you!

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